
Americans for Citizen Voting



State Constitution

The Maryland Constitution states: “Every citizen of the United States”

Cities Allowing Non-Citizen Voting


“The qualified voters of said town having resided therein for six months previous to any town election and being eighteen years of age” Source

Chevy Chase

Chevy Chase Section 3: “Qualified Voter” shall mean any person who is a resident of Chevy Chase Section 3, without regard to citizenship, and is at least eighteen (18) years of age.

Garrett Park

Sectoin 78-20 Qualifications of voters. Every person who (1) legally resides within the corporate limits of the town on the day he or she registers to vote and continuously thereafter until casting his or her vote in any Garrett Park election,(2) is at least eighteen years of age, and (3) is registered in accordance with the provisions of this Charter is a qualified voter of the town. Every qualified voter of the town is entitled to vote in all town elections.”  Section 78–22. Registration. The town manager shall provide for the registration of voters in a flexible and available manner in order to encourage registration and voting, consistent with the policies adopted by ordinance and the rules and procedures specified by the election judges. Qualified persons may register by universal registration with either Montgomery County or the town, or may register only with the town, including residents who are not citizens of the United States, up to and including election day. Source

Glen Echo

“Any person who is not a United States citizen, and (a) is a resident of the Town of Glen Echo,(b) is a lawful resident of the United States, and (c) except for the United States citizenship requirement, meets the voter qualifications provided in Section 501(a) may register to vote in Town elections, as set forth in Charter Section 506.” Source


11.7.23 – “In Greenbelt, preliminary results showed a decisive 67 percent of voters favored expanding ballot access for local elections”


You can vote in City of Hyattsville elections if you:

  • Are at least 16 years of age
  • Have the City of Hyattsville as your primary residence
  • Do not claim the right to vote elsewhere in the U.S.
  • Have not been found by a court to be unable to communicate the desire to vote


Martin’s Additions

“Per the Charter, a ‘Qualified Voter’ is any person who owns property or any resident of Martin’s Additions who is eighteen (18) years of age or over.” Source

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