Americans for Citizen Voting


State Constitution

Article III, Section 1 of the Illinois Constitution States: “Every United States citizen who has attained the age of 18 or any other voting age required by the United States for voting in State elections and who has been a permanent resident of this State for at least 30 days next preceding any election shall have the right to vote at such election. The General Assembly by law may establish registration requirements and require permanent residence in an election district not to exceed thirty days prior to an election. The General Assembly by law may establish shorter residence requirements for voting for President and Vice-President of the United States.”

Chicago allows non-citizens to vote in local school council elections – Source

Legislative Watch

SB1345 (103rd General Assembly 2023): “Amends the School Code. Requires the State Board of Education to create a voter registration affidavit that shall be the exclusive means by which a noncitizen of the United States may register to vote in school board elections. Provides that the elections conducted under the provisions are considered non-State elections and are not subject to the citizenship requirement in the Illinois Constitution. Provides for what the individual shall attest to in the voter registration affidavit. Provides that the voter registration affidavit shall be valid for one school board election. Provides for the notice that shall appear in the voter registration affidavit.”

SB1565 (102nd General Assembly 2021 and 2022): “Amends the School Code. Requires the State Board of Education to create a voter registration affidavit that shall be the exclusive means by which a noncitizen of the United States may register to vote in school board elections.”

Feb 26, 2021 Senate First Reading
Feb 26, 2021 Senate Referred to Assignments
Apr 7, 2021 Senate Assigned to Executive
Apr 8, 2021 Senate Added as Co-Sponsor Sen. Cristina H. Pacione-Zayas
Apr 15, 2021 Senate To Executive – Elections
Apr 16, 2021 Senate Rule 3-9(a)/Re-referred to Assignments
May 31, 2021 Senate Rule 2-10 Committee/3rd Reading Deadline Established As June 15, 2021
Jun 1, 2021 Senate Re-assigned to Human Rights

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