Americans for Citizen Voting


“It’s basic democracy, you know. Taxation representation and, you know, I understand with the larger federal elections, that may be a harder sell but in our smaller towns that we enfranchise people,”

— Patricia Duffy, Leverett Select Board

(from the April 26, 2023 article, “Leverett to consider allowing non-citizens to vote in town elections”)

A new petition will come before voters on Saturday at the Leverett Annual Town Meeting.

The town of Leverett might be asking for legislative support to allow permanent non-citizen residents the ability to vote and much of the reason comes from one single woman.

In the Town of Leverett’s most recent warrant, Article 29 asks to see if the town will vote to petition the state legislature to grant non-citizen permanent residents the ability to vote in all Leverett Town meetings, elections, and actions and to serve on elected boards and committee’s.

Read the entire article here.