Americans for Citizen Voting


“Ultimately, it’s untested. I’m not aware that there is a local jurisdiction that has expanded voting to noncitizens. We don’t know how a court would necessarily treat that kind of proposal if it was challenged in court.”

— Katherine Thomas, assistant Multnomah County attorney

(from the July 2, 2022 Oregon Insider article “Noncitizens in Multnomah County could be granted right to vote”)

Voters in Multnomah County will see a ballot measure this November that would expand voting rights to residents who aren’t U.S. citizens.

Last month, a group tasked with reviewing Multnomah County’s charter — effectively a local constitution — unanimously recommended adding language that would extend voting rights to more groups, including people who are not citizens.

If voters pass the measure, Multnomah County would be the first jurisdiction in Oregon to grant the right to vote in local elections to “noncitizens.”

Read the entire article here.